Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Millinery Mania A Trip through 4 Decades!


1918 Birthday Party Crepe Paper Hats REPOS




Here are the MANY hats I re-trimmed and/or made for my daughter's play. They range in time period from 1918, 1920's, 1930's to the 1940's. They are in order by time period. They are not all true period pieces, but all are based on styles from the time. I did the best I could with the time and materials given. I hope you like peeking! I hope the Lord truly blesses this play and that he is glorified in every part. The children have all worked so hard and it is going to be a beautiful production! The flapper ribbon ornament at the top of the pictures is one I made for a dress and then decided not to use. I made it into a pin instead.


Melanie said...

Wow, Becky, those are amazing!!!!! Great job!!! I can't wait to see them on their characters! What would my husband have done without your help??? Thanks again!


Terri Gordon said...

Rebecca, love all your hats, I have a lot of vintage hats also, I remember my Mom always wearing hats to church, they are so neat.

Ivy said...

Beautiful Rebecca....I love hats and yours are just fabulous!!

Anonymous said...
