I have recently been honored by the request to take ownership of the Marie Antoinette Mail Art Site. I, of course, accepted! I love that site more than any other I have been a part of. As part of my new role, I decided to have a site party and a tie in blog party for Valentine's Day. If you would like to be part of the blog party fun, please be sure to post a comment with your blog link and I will add it to a blog party section or page. This is new to me, so I still have much to figure out! See the post above this one for the Blog party details! I know I will be hosting a giveaway, yet to be announced, but it will be beautiful! I hope many of my Marie site participants will as well! See you there! The blog badge for you to post on your blogs is above. Be sure to link it back to my above blog post. To do this, right click on the badge. Save it wherever you store image files. Click on the above Blog Event Post (the post directly above this one) and then copy the web address. Paste it where you can find it. Go to your blog. Click on lthe Blogger sign ( or go to wherever you blog allows you to edit your layout.) Choose Layout. Choose Add a Gadget. Choose Add a Picture. Fill in the Blanks. For Link, fill in my blog post address. That should link the badge to my site. Then click save. I will be testing this myself and update this as necessary.
Rebecca, how fun, I would love to be a part of it and I will have a giveaway also. I have added your link to my blog. Great job.
I would love to a part of this wonderful celebration. I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas full of love, family and friends. And, I also hope to make this new year full of beautiful things all concerning Marie.
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